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Kolínský klášter - Centrum spirituality a duchovních cvičení z.ú.
je nezisková organizace jejímž zakladatelem je Česká křesťanská akademie z.s.

Lidé v naší organizaci:


Ředitel: Oldřich Jirsa

Správní rada: Tomáš Ctibor, Petr Mucha, Miroslav Lupač, Martin Staněk, Matěj Pomahač

Dozorčí rada: Tomáš Halík, Josef Beneš, Lenka Rovná, Ivana Noble

Programový garant: Denisa Červenková

Správce kláštera: Vojtěch Fejlek

Komunita spolupracovníků, účastníků kurzů a podporovatelů

A team of Kolin monastery

In our team of course leaders and acompanions, i.e. those who, at our invitation, lead individual courses in the monastery and attend to its participants, you will find members of the Jesuit order, Carmelite sisters from the Prague Carmel Edith Stein, members of the team of the Academic Parish of Prague at the Church of the Holy Salvator and other colleagues competent in specific methods of spiritual exercises.

Denisa Cervenková

Religious sister from the Prague Carmel community Edith Steinová. She studied bohemian studies and religious studies at the Faculty of Arts, UK, later theology in Verona and Prague. He teaches dialogue ethics and spiritual theology at the university. He cooperates with Akad. Parish of Prague. He mainly conducts courses in contemplation.

Samuel Privara

Jesuit and Catholic priest. He studied management technology at CTU and financial engineering at VŠE, philosophy in Munich and theology in Madrid. He obtained qualifications for spiritual accompaniment in Germany, Switzerland and Spain. He works in the Academic Parish of Prague.

Petr Vacik

Jesuit and Catholic priest. He studied chemistry in Prague, philosophy in Munich, theology in Rome and Berkley. He received the qualification to give spiritual exercises in Switzerland. He currently works at Radio Vaticana.

Frantisek Hylmar

Jesuit and Catholic priest. He studied geodesy and cartography in Prague, philosophy and theology in Krakow, Dublin and Madrid. Experienced spiritual companion. He specializes especially in courses of Ignatian spiritual exercises. 

Jan Regner

Jesuit and Catholic priest. He studied philosophy and theology in Krakow, Rome, Frankfurt and Prague. It works in the Olomouc Academic Parish. 

Irena Göbelová

Religious nun from the Prague community Karmel Edith Steinová. Psychologist and spiritual companion. He cooperates with the Academic Parish of Prague.

Elva Frouz

Deacon and therapist. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prague in Prague and the TF JČU in České Budějovice. He runs the Noe Community House in Holostřeve. He is an experienced spiritual guide and teacher. He teaches courses in contemplation.

Peter Miklas

Therapist a social worker. He studied chemistry and psychoanalysis in Prague. He has training and many years of experience in the field of psychotherapy. He co-organizes the contemplation and meditation Sadhana courses.

Jana Fojtíčková

Therapist and social worker. She studied mathematics at the MFF of the UK, special pedagogy at the UK, and psychotherapy at the PVŠPS. He has two sons. He has been engaged in music therapy and psychotherapy for a long time. Co-organizes contemplation courses.

Michal Peter

Psychologist, consultant and therapist for couples and individuals, personality development lecturer. In the Kolin monastery, he mainly leads courses between the soul and the spirit focused on self-knowledge and personal development. 

Miloš Hrdý

Dáhen, deputy director of the Administrative Section of the CNB. He studied at the University of Economics and theology in Prague. He leads a contemplative group in Prague and organizes seminars on spirituality. For the Kolín Monastery, he prepares courses for managers and people in other demanding job positions. 

Adéla Muchová

Pastoral theologian and accompanying clergy. She studied theology and humanities in Prague, Vienna and Vancouver.  It focuses  on courses in practical spirituality, spiritual development and partner communication. He works at the Institute of Pastoral Theology at the Catholic University of Linz.

Leoš Zatloukal

Psycholog, psychoterapeut, supervizor a lektor v přístupu zaměřeného na řešení (institut Dalet), vyučující na Univerzitě Palackého (CMTF) a Karlově Univerzitě (FHS), vede kontemplativní skupinu v Olomouci, doprovází kuirzy kontemplace a další kurzy.

Šimon Grimmich

Učitel meditace, básník a překladatel. Studoval filosofii, religionistiku a teologii v Praze, Tübingen, Freiburgu a Heidelbergu. Výcviky pro učitele meditace plného uvědomování přítomnosti (mindfulness) a soucitu absolvoval v Německu. Prakticky i teoreticky se zabývá setkáváním západní a východní spirituality.

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