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General conditions of registration

Accommodation is in single, double or triple rooms, each with its own bathroom. You don't need towels or sheets, but slippers and an alarm clock are handy. We recommend not postponing your arrival to Cologne until the last minute, if possible. If at all possible, arrive so that you have time to settle into the house and breathe. Arrival is therefore recommended between 16:00 and 17:30.


Withdrawal from the course and cancellation fees

Please cancel at least 30 days before the start of the course. Unsubscribe via email: When canceling later than 30 days before the planned arrival, we charge the following cancellation fees: 29-11 days -  20% of the full price of the course, 10- 4 days - 30%, later than 4 days before the course (i.e. .4x24 hours) 50%. If you do not come to the course you signed up for without de-registration, we charge 70% of the full course price. Thank you for your understanding.

Check-out from the accommodation (Quiet Space) and cancellation fees

Please de-register at least 30 days before the start of your stay. Unsubscribe via When checking out later than 30 days before the planned arrival, we charge the following cancellation fees: 21-7 days - 20% of the full accommodation price, less than 7 days - 30%. 

Thank you for your understanding.



Please note that any spiritual practice, meditation and silence itself make our insides more sensitive. Exercises as such are of course not dangerous, but they represent a certain burden. If you are under the care of a psychiatrist, take psychotropic drugs, suffer from depression or are under strong psychological pressure, we do not recommend participating in the exercises without consultation. In case of doubt, uscontact.

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